
PC does Baltimore, EdSurge Style!  The reviews are in!

By March 14, 2015 July 27th, 2018 No Comments

What happens when you put over 700 educators in one room with a hand picked group of EdTech application companies?  The answer might surprise you!

We attend many shows of all different types and sizes.  If I’m being candid, I’m sure I’m not alone in finding some shows very long days waiting for the next coffee break when attendees will take a wrong turn and accidentally end up in the exhibitor hall!  Not the case at the EdSurge Summit ‘Tech For Schools’ events.

In an ‘un-tradeshow’-like ‘playground’ format, we don’t spend the day selling Permission Click to schools, rather, we spend the day sharing the platform we’ve invested so much of ourselves in with those who use it day to day in schools.

There’s a special kind of magic that happens when the tables are turned in this fashion.  For Permission Click, that magic added up to over 160 surveys being filled out with extremely detailed feedback and innovative ideas to help steer the next great feature we’ll build onto the platform.

We take this feedback and pour through every word of every review.  We’ve been back from this show for a week, and have already sliced and diced the data and turned our product roadmap on its head fitting many of these great ideas and suggestions in!

So what did 160+ attendees who took the time to fill out a survey about Permission Click tell us?  What did we learn?  For detailed results you can check out Permission Click’s reviews on the EdSurge website here where they are posted publicly for all to see. (Baltimore reviews not posted up as of March 14 2015, but should be up there soon)

Some highlights that delighted us:

  • 93% told us they would definitely recommend using PC or advocate for using it in their school/district
  • 92% told us this will save them hours of work
  • 72% of surveys scored us a 5/5 for overall impression of PC (another 21% scored us 4/5, not too shabby! 😉

There’s nothing that matches up to the energy, interactions, and passion that we see at the EdSurge Summits.  We can’t thank the EdSurge team enough for hosting these, the local districts who support the summits, and those who give up their days to come out to attend the events.  Keep it comin’ and we’ll look forward to seeing you at a future summit.

Get Going, with Permission Click!

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